Terms and conditions

The following text sets out the legal terms applied to www.pataconafest.com

If after reading them you have any questions, you can contact us via form, email or by phone from our contact section, we will be happy to assist you and help you. 


SOLUCIONES MUSICALES VALENCIANAS S.L, a Spanish company with address at 46120 Alboraia – Valencia (Spain), Avenida Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, novelist, 8 and with CIF B98089824, duly registered in the Mercantile Registry of Valencia, T 8965, L 6250, F 173, H V 131586, current and in operation, hereinafter referred to as PATACONA FEST


– To be able to use our services you must be over 18 years old. If not, you will need the authorization of your parents or legal guardians.

– You cannot use our web portal for promotions, raffles or contests without our authorization.

– You agree to use our web portal correctly subject to current legislation and in accordance with the law, these Terms and Conditions and the principles of good faith and public order.

– If PATACONA FEST considers that a violation of current legislation is occurring, it may immediately suspend the provision of the information society services it provides, without generating any right to compensation.

– If PATACONA FEST detects signs of data falsification, fraud, falsehood, identity theft or any other punishable conduct, it will inform the competent authority.

– We can take actions on our web portal to avoid opinions or content that is illegal or harmful or that promotes hatred and violence.

– PATACONA FEST may unilaterally modify the Terms and Conditions at any time and without prior notice.


– We offer a 24/7 online service for publishing events, acquiring and purchasing tickets, so that third parties interested in them can hire them.

– The sales channel is telematic, being able to pay with credit and debit cards, through the security and payment system.

– PATACONA FEST has the exclusive right to the commercial exploitation of the advertising spaces available on the web portal and at the tickets.


– We make available to the public a ticket purchasing service through which buyers can purchase tickets for events published on our web portal by their organizers.

If you are already clear about the concert you are interested in, it is as easy as clicking on the BUY button, we will ask you for some information: How many tickets you want to buy, your information as the buyer of the tickets, information about the person(s) who will attend the event…

When you see that everything is correct, you will have to read and accept the conditions and continue with the purchasing process.

The purchase of tickets may generate management fees, which are specified before the purchase process begins, and are paid together with the price and the same method chosen to make the payment

Payment methods:

PAY WITH CARD: Our website will clearly show you the different payment systems and accepted cards. Once you have chosen the type of payment, the system will connect with the payment gateway and after completing the payment you will be able to download the tickets, which in turn will They will be sent by email. If you do not receive the email, check if it has arrived in junk mail (spam).

The credit card payment service is managed by a credit institution. Therefore, TICKETERE is not responsible for the confidentiality and security of the information and data provided by the user in this purchase process, since the processing of this information and data is not exclusively under our control.

Additionally, all purchases are subject to payment card verification and security checks, and may be voided if they do not pass our verification process.

The website uses information security techniques generally accepted in the industry, such as firewalls, access control procedures and cryptographic mechanisms, all with the aim of preventing unauthorized access to data and possible data theft. To achieve these purposes, the user/client accepts that the provider obtains data for the corresponding authentication of access controls.

We offer 100% secure payment

At ticketere.com we guarantee that each of the transactions made is 100% secure.

All purchases you make on our website are supported by the secure server of the Banco Santander banking entity, so that your data is protected and encrypted by HTTPs technology through an SSL certificate, making it much safer to send your data to the Secure Server of the banks to pay at a gas station, restaurant, etc.

In connections with the Secure Server, the latest specifications of the standard network security protocol are used: SSL.

Remember that the tickets are nominal:

Come to the event with the printed ticket or on your mobile phone to be able to show it at the access control, since otherwise you will not be able to access it.

If you want to change the ownership of the ticket(s), you will have to pay the difference in price, if applicable, between the moment of purchase and the moment of modification.

Neither PATACONA FEST or TICKETERE are not responsible for the loss or theft of the ticket(s). If signs of falsification are detected, the organizer will be authorized to not allow access to the Event. We are also not responsible for tickets purchased at unofficial sales points, nor for possible price differences with other sales channels.

If an error is detected in the price of the tickets, we will notify you as soon as possible, so that you can decide if you want to continue with the purchase at the correct price (making the corresponding payment if applicable) or cancel the purchase. If you decide to cancel, you will have the right to a refund of the amount you have paid within fifteen (15) business days from the notification of the error.

The resale of tickets is not permitted, and the organizer is entitled to cancel the ticket if it is detected, with no right to a refund or other compensation to its bearer or buyer.


TICKETERE will not make changes or refunds once the purchase process of the ticket/s has been completed, with the sole exception of cases of cancellation of the Event.

Therefore, causes such as an error when entering any data in the purchasing process, bad weather or not being able to attend the event are not reasons that allow for a return.

We recommend reviewing the event information and its conditions before making purchases, since it must be taken into account that the start and end times of the events offered on our web portal are subject to change.

The applicable regulations in force regarding consumption and retail trade regulations establish that in this type of acquisition the Buyer may not exercise the right of withdrawal or the right of resolution.

In the event of cancellation or changes that affect events published on our web portal, TICKETERE will do everything possible, after receiving authorization from the organizer, to publish the information on our web portal and communicate the circumstances to buyers by email. We do not guarantee that we can inform you about the cancellation of an event or changes in the conditions of its celebration, before the date of its celebration, since this type of cancellations or changes, once the tickets are put on sale, correspond exclusively to the organizer. We remind and inform you that it is your sole responsibility to check for these types of cancellations or changes.

IF the organizer decides to return the price of the ticket(s) you purchased, it will be refunded by TICKETERE using the same payment method that you used for the purchase, within a period of fifteen (15) business days from the date of communication. public notice of the cancellation of the Event.

When an event is definitively cancelled, we will refund the price you paid for your ticket(s). When the events last several days and one or more days are cancelled, but not all, TICKETERE may make a partial refund of the price paid for the ticket(s) to the event, corresponding to the day(s). s cancelled/s.

When there are changes in dates and/or location of events, we will do our best to offer tickets of a value corresponding to those originally purchased. If you cannot attend the new date, there will be a certain period of time to request a refund. 

If an event is suspended after more than half of it, it will not entitle you to a refund of the ticket price.

In any case, it should be noted that the amount of the refund of tickets/s purchased for an event/s will be for the total price of the purchase, discounting the management/distribution costs that are applied to some purchases as they are the costs of the service. by commissioned sale.


You can access the event by presenting the ticket at the access control, either in digital or printed format as determined by each organizer. The event organizer and/or the venue reserve the right of admission to the event.

At events, the conditions of access, exit, as well as other specific conditions are defined by the organizer or by the owner and/or operator of the establishment or place where it is held. This information must be given by the event organizer.

Unauthorized use of photographic and recording equipment on the premises is prohibited. Mobile phones, laser pointers, dogs (except guide dogs) and own food and drink may also be prohibited. It is advisable to review the terms and conditions of the organizer/venue before the event takes place.

The organizer of the event is legally authorized to verify compliance with the security conditions within the event, so in the event of violation of the same or acts that may cause damage or injury to people or property at the event, the organizer will be given the right or to the venue to expel the buyer and/or ticket holder(s) from the event.

If you arrive late to the event after it has started, everything possible will be done to allow you entry, although it may not be guaranteed in all cases, depending on criteria by the organizer or the venue. In addition, we recommend inquiring about exit or readmission passes in case that possibility does not exist.

TICKETERE is not responsible for the conditions in which the events take place, and the organizer is responsible for how the event takes place in relation to claims such as accessibility, artistic quality, visibility, sound or acoustics, comfort, etc.

We also remember that the event(s) may include fx or prolonged exposure to noise.

By accessing the event, the buyer consents that their image may be recorded and reproduced later as part of the public and for commercial and/or promotional purposes.


On the Website, the User may find links to other web pages through different buttons, links, banners, etc., which are managed by third parties. PATACONA FEST cannot control or approve all the information, content, products or services provided by other websites to which links are established from our web portal, so TICKTERE does not assume any type of responsibility for any aspect related to the website to which which a link is established from our web portal.

The establishment of any type of link by our web portal to another third-party website does not imply that there is any type of relationship, collaboration or dependence on PATACONA FEST and the person responsible for the third-party website.

We will do everything possible to carry out security control of the links to third parties, so we request help in these cases, so if you notice that there are links that may be contrary, notify us with an email to info@ticketere.com.


The user acknowledges and accepts that all content displayed on our web portal and, in particular, designs, texts, images, logos, icons, buttons, software, trade names, brands, or any other signs susceptible to industrial use and/or commercial are subject to intellectual property rights and all brands, trade names or distinctive signs, all industrial and intellectual property rights, on the contents and/or any other elements inserted in the page, which are the exclusive property of the company and /or third parties, who have the exclusive right to use them in economic traffic. For all these reasons, the user agrees not to reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or in any other way publicly communicate, transform or modify such content, holding the company harmless from any claim arising from non-compliance with such obligations. In no case does access to our web portal imply any type of waiver, transmission, license or total or partial transfer of said rights, unless otherwise expressly established. Any other use or exploitation of any rights will be subject to the prior and express authorization specifically granted for this purpose by the company or the third party owner of the affected rights.

The contents, texts, photographs, designs, logos, images, computer programs, source codes and, in general, any intellectual creation existing in this Space, as well as the web portal itself as a whole, as a multimedia artistic work, are protected as copyright by intellectual property legislation. The company is the owner of the elements that make up the graphic design of the Web Space, the menus, navigation buttons, the HTML code, the texts, images, textures, graphics and any other content of the web portal or, in any case, it has the corresponding authorization for the use of said elements. The content provided on the web portal may not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor transmitted, nor recorded by any information retrieval system, in any form or by any means, unless you have our prior authorization, by written.

It is prohibited to delete, evade and/or manipulate the "copyright" as well as the technical protection devices, or any information mechanisms that the contents may contain. The User of this web portal undertakes to respect the stated rights and to avoid any action that could harm them, reserving in all cases the company to exercise any legal means or actions that correspond to it in defense of its legitimate intellectual and industrial property rights.


PATACONA FEST NOR TICKETERE do not control the correct functioning at all times of the payment gateway or circumstances such as the absence of errors, inaccuracies, omissions, viruses, and in general elements with the capacity to generate alterations in the computer system or electronic documents and/or files stored in the system. computer system of the Users, TICKETERE is not responsible for damages that users and/or any third party may claim for access and/or use of the Website.


We seek transparency in the procedures in favor of its clients, making our customer service available to them, providing contact forms on our web portal, as well as at our email address info@ticketere.com, chat or at the telephone numbers listed in the contact section.


We remind you that the general purchasing conditions and terms and conditions can be consulted on our web portal, at the organizer of the event(s) or at the venue's box office.

Any conflict or interpretations related directly or indirectly that arise from operations with PATRACONA FEST OR TICKETERE will be submitted to the Courts of Valencia (Spain), in the event of not being able to reach an amicable agreement, with the express waiver of its own jurisdiction.

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